Don't let Ukraine be destroyed: Biden hurries Congress on aid after furious Russian attack to World – 336 points –
Don�t let Ukraine be destroyed: Biden hurries Congress on aid after furious Russian attack

Speaking about Russia’s large-scale attack on Ukraine on 29 December, US President Joe Biden has emphasised that Congress must act quickly to approve more aid for Kyiv.

Source: European Pravda with reference to the White House

Details: The American president stressed that the most recent Russian attack is "a stark reminder to the world that, after nearly two years of this devastating war, Putin’s objective remains unchanged. He seeks to obliterate Ukraine and subjugate its people."


Meanwhile, Israel: "Hey, we need some more shit. Get on that will you?!"
Biden: "Yes yes! I'll just... go around congress, do some other fancy talking and you can keep doing your genocide; but more efficiently now."

I think part of the difference is that Israel is a paying customer on that last deal.

Probably paying us money we sent them in the first place.

I don't think that's the case for this specific package of 155 mm shell accessories.

I could be wrong.

the fuck is the west doing?

I mean it should be obvious that it will get a lot worse and a lot more expensive if we allow the Russians to win, not to mention that we then share a border with a country lead by a complete degenerate dictator who wants to eradicate our way of life.

And all I see is the US and my own country Germany fucking around and providing only the bare minimum...

Already share a border - Finland/Baltics/Poland. But you are of course right. We're too decadent and complacent. Our politicians refuse to tell us the truth of how dire the situation is, even if top generals do.

Their losses have been heavy, but the Russian economy is now on a war setting, they're ramping up production of everything. If Ukraine falls, it's not impossible Putin'll try something stupid in the Baltics, especially if Trump wins the election or if there's chaos due to the election.

I mean, will NATO start a nuclear war over Russia invading a very small bit of the baltics? I have my doubts. Especially if there are plenty of populists in power, who refuse to join. Hungary, Turkey, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Italy... Not impossible that they say they'll put 'their people first' and refuse to join in defending the Baltics. Possible that Putin decides to make a gamble on this.Our militaries here in Europe are too weak to respond conventionally which makes him more likely to take that risk.

The man's always been a fan of the salami slicing tactic.

The US as well. If we can’t even follow through with keeping Ukraine supplied, at no danger to ourselves, are we really ready to escalate to WWIII over some small European country most Americans can’t find in a map? I like to think I have a good understanding of the situation but I’d have a hard time supporting that. Arming Ukraine is a good investment, strong support for the fundamental idea of NATO even if they are not a member, and it’s finally a conflict with a clear right and wrong where we can be the good guys. Direct military involvement can easily become the end of civilization.

Let me even put it to anyone here from the Balkans. Of course you don’t want an aggressive tyrant to invade. Of course you don’t want the death and destruction, loss of freedom and human rights, from being invaded. But are you really demanding potentially the end of all civilization in your defense?

Oh, are you telling one of your favorite propaganda lies again?

In reality Germany -a small country with just ~16% of the US' GDP- is providing 40% of the US' support just in military aid (also more than the next 5 countries combined), and about three times as much measured by share of GDP in total.

Yet still after nearly two years the lie that Ukraine's by far biggest supporters are actually NoT DoInG aNyThInG bUt ThE bArE mInImUm is still Russia's top export.

They're busy financing the genocide in Gaza. Ukrainians can go fuck themselves apparently.

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"I did an executive order twice to give Israel weapons and money but am going to pretend that I can not do the same thing for Ukraine (or legalization of Marijuana)"

The United States still does not have a federal budget.

rest of europe will follow eventually if russia is allowed to take ukraine. East side first and rest later after that is allowed to fall too, since why bother with those countries either if ukraine doesnt matter now. after the current war russia will likely spend most of their national capacity on building up the army and equipment. china and russia will likely co-operate enough that china will start the war for taiwan at the same time russia attempts something so that nato resources are needed at multiple places. Maybe north korea will try to attack south too.