Is is possible to make clicking on thread titles take you the link instead of the post? to /kbin – 90 points –

This is the way that Reddit and Hacker News function. When browsing the feed on those sites I middle click the post and the comments link to open both up in new tabs but on kbin both links open the same page.


IMO, only if we make the comments link take you to the top of the post page and not already scrolled half way through the top comment.

Same thing happens with clicking on a reply notification. Unless it's not on the first page of comments, then you just have to figure out where it was. We sort of need a "context" button like Reddit had to follow the train of thought that the reply responded to.

It'd be nice to have that as an option to help ease in new users, though I personally prefer having the thread title take me to the thread and not the link.

Interestingly, when I started using Reddit years ago, I had a hard time adjusting to post titles taking me to their links and not their comment sections. I was used to how Slashdot did it, which is identical to how Kbin does it now. IMO, it feels nice going back to the Slashdot way of doing things.

Just my two cents: I prefer the way it is. The Hacker News way always trips me up, especially when switching from Apollo – where post titles link to the post. I realize how bad this is going to sound, but the OP and the comments are what I’m here for. I judge whether the linked content is worth visiting based on the comments, so that’s where I prefer to start.

I do prefer it this way for the same reason. I'm here to discuss what the poster is posting about, which might be the article or meme, or might not be. It's also why I'd prefer posters of links leave something of their own as well, even if it's just a brief summary or thought. A link with no text isn't really that interesting.

And on the note of clicking links, we need to have the option of a link opening up a new tab/window. That way one can go read the article and the comments are still loaded in the other tab to return to without reloading.

Kind of discouraging to be downvoted for sharing a differing opinion. Surely, other people’s preferences merit consideration too?

Thanks for noting that. This is annoying to me as well. If not the title, at least have a way to skip the comment section. It's especially noticeable in communities made up of crossposts (ie.

yeah it'd be nice to be able to click the link without having to go into the comments section.


Though I'd like to have it on a little link icon on the same position of image post's image icon which is used to open image preview.

For images, this would be great. Sometimes there are great titles, but clicking on the comments gives away the contents