Israel's FM calls on countries to email if they want Gaza refugees to World – 90 points –
Israel's FM calls on countries to email if they want Gaza refugees

Israel's Foreign Minister Eli Cohen called on Wednesday on countries who are interested in taking in refugees from the Gaza Strip to send his office an email, adding that they should not forget "to write the address of the country" in their email


So...that's just the definition of ethnic cleansing and they're treating it as a funny haha joke. Disgusting.

Because they have no humanity left. They no longer see the palestinians as humans. This is just further proving the argument that this is indeed a genocide. Genocide scholars have been saying it for months by the way.

This sounds like the time Germany asked the world if they wanted to take some Jewish refugees.

Was that during the early Nazi period? I reckon at some point, they made it difficult for them to migrate. Am I wrong?

They wanted to deport their "undesirables" before they decided to kill them. Countries don't just go from zero to genocide without a lot of intermediate steps. Their population has to be desensitized in stages before they'll support mass murder.

Yes. It was during the early Nazi period.

And almost zero countries accepted.

Nazis doing Nazi things. Reminds me of Hitler saying "look no one wants to take in the jews!"

Palestinians have a right to their lands. They shouldn't be refugees.

Turn Auschwitz concentration camp into a giant memorial for Palestinians. Eli can send an email, if he is interested in visiting.

The victims of the Holocaust have nothing to do with the crimes of these cretins.

They didn't choose to be part of it, but Israel has expertly used them as props the shield themselves from criticism for 75 years. They were exploited in life to build a fascist regime, and they've been exploited in death to support another.

It takes a certain kind of mental gymnastics and a special kind of evil to CREATE refugees out of people living in your "country" and then ask the world if they want any.