A six-year-old girl was drowned in a water tank and her head was smashed with a stone to hide her identity after a failed rape bid, 43-year-old private watchman arrested

Live_Let_Live@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 235 points –
Agra Girl, 6, Drowned In Water Tank, Head Smashed After Failed Rape Attempt: Cops

in india

and we know the state

::: spoiler spoiler i guess Uttar Pradesh (before reading)
Andhra Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Union territories
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Jammu and Kashmir
National Capital Territory of Delhi

::: Edit : After reading the article :
Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India

I clicked the link into this thread and thought, "it's gotta be India", then, "that's not fair, rape happens all over the globe, even to children". It was India.

I think there are clues in the title ... it was nothing like : "A priest culprit of assaulting dozens of children over many decades" ...

Yeah, actually, the bash head with rock to hide identity would have given away that it wasn't likely a western country (where bashed in head guarantees murder investigation and DNA testing is likely). "Private watchman" was another hint. As was "bid". Written by someone who knows the language well but not natively.

lmao my first reaction was "Weird, the title doesn't say India in it."

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Pretty awful stories coming out of India lately...

India has a large popultion and Uttar Pradesh is an ultra right wing racist state that simps for Modi and the BJP. This has been going on there for quite a while. It's not a new thing.

Similar stories aren't new in India, at the same time if we were to take a sample of one billion people from richer countries I'm pretty sure we would be able to find just as many similar stories, they would just come from different countries.

I highly doubt that. It’s a cultural thing, not a numbers issue.

600 000 child are abused each year just in the USA.

Gun violence is the leading cause of children death in the USA with more than six a day being homicides.

So with just over a third of a billion we already have enough headlines to make India look no worse than richer countries...

Yeah but ye are a joke.

Hardly a developed nation outside of billionaire population and pageantry

I'm not from the USA, but ok...

The education level of the USA is still much higher than in India and there's less inequality...

So with just over a third of a billion we already have enough headlines to make India look no worse than richer countries...

The we threw me off, I get what you meant now.

I've been talking using we from the beginning as I'm talking about if we collectively took the time to compare to other richer countries amounting to as much population, I'm pretty sure India wouldn't look as bad as it does now...

I don't see it being similar. If you look at certain religious fanatic countries places, there would be stories with the offender just walking away and suffering no consequences. And for the more developed ones, this one by A_A gives a good outline

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