Curious puffin to – 269 points –

I need to see those pictures.

Although I can't find those exact pics, I believe that the photographer is Drew Buckley (Puffin Man), he takes a lot of photos of puffins :D

::: spoiler spoiler :::

Puffins can fly???

Yes but they are pretty clumsy about it. Sometimes you'll see a puffin line up a landing and then go around a dozen times before finally splooting into a relatively soft spot because they are just the essence of derp.

They're pretty decent flyers, it just looks ridiculous.

Fun puffin fact: Puffins have conservative family values and mate for life, raising a single chick (adorably called a puffling) in the same burrow each year

Seeing puffin on restaurant menus in Iceland after learning this was a bit concerning