Any bookmarking solution?

Ambuj to Open – 29 points –

I need a bookmark syncing service for managing bookmarks Requirements:- 1 Independent (Nextcloud bookmarks are really slow) 2 Web client (Reason of rejecting xbrowsersync) 3 Should be bookmark management ,not read it later 4 Should not be self-hosted or if it is self-hostable then must have some server for free account (I cant host stuffs)

Help pls , thnx


Use Firefox with a Mozilla account, sync bookmarks between browsers.

Since you already rejected xbrowsersync, I'm guessing that's not the answer you want but honestly, who needs a web client if you're syncing right into your browser?

Do shortcuts and addons sync between PC and Android.

This seems to be a different subject, or you're just making up new criteria on the fly 😂

Firefox has finally opened up their larger add-on repo on Android. It seems to be slow going(?) but syncing extensions across desktop and mobile should eventually be possible.

Shortcuts — idk but probably not.

Feel free to try my SyncMarks. It's available for any Desktop browser and can sync across all Browsers. The backend is working as Web GUI.


Browser Extension:

I don't know what happens with manifest v3, because the Mozilla variant is not compatible to Chromium. Maybe I have to use 2 independent branches. But I try to avoid that. Manifest v3 is a big mess of bullsh*t.

But anyway feel free to try it. You are welcome.

Would be helpful? I use the free tier and they have a web app. They also have a lot of integrations to sync with other services but I've never used those.

Buku with extension Bukubrow is already good for me to have offline bookmark manager, flexibel function on CLI or browser. With Archivebox combination in my Librewolf reading my archive website.

I have used linkding and I find it pretty good.

Do u know any server which accept registrations?

I do not.

I self host it inside docker on my local network.

What's the difference in bookmark management versus read-it-later? Do you need compatibility with a specific browser?

Do low tech solutions work? Like passing a JSON or something around with rsync?

A bookmark manager have a option to add links and search it later to go to link like Firefox Bookmarks. But,A read it later service take a link then grab page and add it to unreaded section then u read it it and it moves to readed section like wallabag.

Look into hosting linkding on free account.