Thunderbird or Betterbird. What is better on Windows? to Ask – 23 points –

You may compare both as, is possible to share the same profile between the 2 apps. Actually I rely on Thunderbird, as I use it since the beginning, and it has the functions I need. Perhaps I will give a try on the Betterbird as well.

Thunderbird all the way. Private, no ads, built by Mozilla. I use it as my daily driver on m PC.

Wish it was available for android.

It almost is.

It's called k9 mail.

Mozilla's Thunderbird subsidiary even took over the project recently (maybe a year ago) and has improved the feature parity and is planning to rename it to Thunderbird Android soon. They meant to do it in December but it was postponed.

An iOS version is also coming.

You can use on any web browser. No need to install any app.

It's fine for on my phone, but the Gmail UI is trash on a PC.

You're not gonna see a lot of love for Google products here dude...

Does OP use gmail?

I'm pretty confident he does because most people do. Even if he doesn't, he can create a Google account to use it.