the bus I was riding earlier got rear-ended by a fking semi-truck to Mildly – 116 points –

To my knowledge no one was injured. The semi didn't have a trailer attached so the crash didn't feel too intense, surprisingly. I did have to wait 20 minutes for another bus tho which was mildly infuriating


On the bright side something interesting happened to you today. Pleased to hear there were nil injuries.

Now imagine: If a semi-truck can't see a fucking bus, what makes anyone believe they are safe around cyclists and pedestrians?

That happened here in Australia a few weeks ago. The bus rolled and one kid lost an arm.

A few weeks later and a wedding bus rolled at a roundabout at the end of an off ramp, and dragged along the rail, killing ten.

Seat belts only required in coaches. I think many buses have them as well, but people don't bother to use them.

Yikes! I'd absolutely say more than mildly infuriating. I'm at least happy no one got injured