Goodbye Infinity, goodbye Reddit! to – 86 points –

It's way nicer here on Lemmy anyway


ah man - I think I'll miss Infinity more than Reddit.... Infinity for Lemmy - when?

Infinity was Reddit to me. I never used anything else. I'm kind of sorry for losing it, but the community isn't the same anymore. I'll stay on Lemmy because I enjoy it and believe in the idea.
Hope someone has the time and skills to port it to Lemmy.

Said goodbye to infinity myself this week. Super sad because I've used infinity daily for a number of years now....

I deleted my 13 year old 50K karma account today.

Kinda sad but there is no way I could go back after how they’ve been treating not only 3rd party app users and developers but more recently the unpaid mods who kept the site great.

I haven't updated my Infinity app in a while, somehow it seems to still be working fine? It's kinda weird