What is your ideal amount of socialization per weekend?

Blaze@discuss.online to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation@lemmy.world – 35 points –

Hello everyone,

We were discussing with a friend the other day and how Covid has one good thing when it was there: the reduced amount of socialization.

We are in our early 30s, so weekends get usually packed with one things on Friday evening, something on Saturday, sometimes Saturday evening too, and then you try to catch up with family on Sunday.

In the end, even if it feels very good to see people, sometimes it can be quite tiring too.

My current weekend was

  • a chill evening on Friday with a friend
  • nothing planned on Saturday until a social gathering at 6pm
  • nothing on Sunday

And I feel fucking great.

So that's it, just some random thoughts, what is your stance on the matter? Do you manage to keep time for yourself, or are you running from one event to another?


No socialization per weekend is my ideal.

Leave me alone.

Matter of fact, I'm gonna have a charcuterie board for breakfast!

Matter of fact, I’m gonna have a charcuterie board for breakfast!


A couple of hours, once or twice a month, with one or two close friends.

depends on quality. socializing as obligation with people who suck your energy and slam your brain with garbage? minimal.

This type I stopped a while ago already.

But there can be beneficial socialization (people you care about, who are interesting) that can still be tiring.

I've got kids so my weekends are...well not mine. In the Before Time however, things were much different.

Typically we'd have a three day weekend (overnight work yay). The Sunday was a mess because we'd been working the previous night so we'd spend a lot of that day in bed napping and just chilling out. Monday was the day we'd usually give to seeing others and running errands so that Tuesday we could do as little as possible, play games, maybe go get food. Wednesday (before 3 when we'd go to bed before our shift) was usually just lounging around the house.

Our weekends were amazing....and now here I am being held hostage against my will by a 6 year old and a 2 year old. Help

Thanks for your comments!

I am being held hostage against my will by a 6 year old and a 2 year old. Help

Hopefully at some point in the future they'll get more independent? I'm not a parent yet, I guess parents of other child can chime in

When the 2 year old is 5 it'll be much more enjoyable. At the moment he's still just about young enough that we have to work around him for a lot of things.

Yep! It's so much better when the youngest is at least five. I can supply the "stations" (water, food, clothing, etc) and take some time to relax, instead of having to help them with every bodily need.

Just not having to worry about them turning into a nightmare if they skip their nap would be a win. Now don't get me wrong, I love his Monday nap when his big-sister is at school......but when I want to out on the weekend it can definitely cause issues...cause the kid just doesn't nap unless he's in his cot.

I've got kids so my weekends are...well not mine.

That sentence is the stuff of nightmares for me.

I knew what I was getting myself into...and yet, even then I'm surprised by just how little time I get to myself. Maybe an hour in the evening... assuming all things go okay with regards to bedtime.

And it is absolutely a nightmare 🤣

I just don't have the energy for people. I don't admit it to friends and family, but I enjoyed lockdown because I had zero social obligations. Unfortunately, I also lost a LOT of the coming mechanisms I've developed over my lifetime that allowed me to deal with people.

These days a single 2-3 hour social obligation in a weekend gives me anxiety. I enjoy hanging out with a few friends at a time (and my friends are very low maintenance) but even then after a few hours I need a week or two to recover.

I like doing techy home lab computer stuff on weekends... Don't really feel like meeting people most of the time. I meet people on office days at work. :)

I'm the opposite, I work from home most of the time, so it's good so see people once in a while :)

Yeah I can understand that. A good mix between social and focus is the best. :)

I like to spend the weekend at home to rest, so the maximum I would spend time out with other people is one night (or day) out for 3-4 hours, preferably on a Friday so I technically keep my weekend intact. Going out on a Saturday means I’ll only have one more day to rest.

My ideal amount of socialization at any time is "as much as possible", but I'll take what I can get.

1 socialization per week.

Going out somewhere or having friends over. More than that is just too much for my energy levels.

During weekdays everyone is stressed and tired. During weekends I need some time to rest, preparing myself for next week.

It depends massively on what my week and previous/forthcoming weekends are like.

If I've got a lot on otherwise, I want nothing more than to sit alone watching something or playing single player games, ordering in some junk food, not leaving the house and basically ignoring my phone.

If I've had a relatively boring week, I may want to socialise as much as all day both days, maybe even at the expense of much sleep.

Or somewhere between the two extremes

My ideal is probably 1-2 events per weekend. Unfortunately I need time for chores and errands, and it inconveniences+stresses me out if they don't get done, otherwise I'd be up for more socializing

With me it depends on quality & depth.

If I socialize with a really good friend (or a romantic interest--which hasn't been for a while 🙁 ) every day, that invigorates me.

But if I drag myself out to even one hour long social event for a week I have to spend 8 weeks recovering. 🤣 (OK, maybe not that long, but you get the idea).

I absolutely don’t socialize that much. My job doesn’t have traditional weekends, though, so it helps. My “weekend” would be the equivalent of the weekend you just described (maybe one event). I found that I did more things when I was younger, but now I just don’t do something social unless I really think it’s going to bring me joy.