City Threatens to Condemn Bar:PM Building Over Damage Caused by Cops to – 73 points –
City Threatens to Condemn Bar:PM Building Over Damage Caused by Cops

Bar:PM co-owner Chad Morris was charged with assault after the SUV struck his business. Police say that he struck an officer “hard in the chest with an open hand,” though the bystander video of the incident shows no such shove. Police have thus far not made body cam footage public.

I bet more funding will fix this!

Definitely if we increase the amount of training officers have. That will solve the problem.

Was the officer drunk? How the fuck do you crash into a building like that?

If I remember correctly the officer was speeding ran a stop light(?) And swerved to avoid something then crashed into the building.

It really looked like impaired driving.

My immediate thought was nodded off looking down at phone thru the light, then hand slid off the wheel and he hits the bar.

Tbf, i am super biased against cops