Xi undecided on whether to order Taiwan unification by 2027: Milley

FizzlePopBerryTwist@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 4 points –
Xi undecided on whether to order Taiwan unification by 2027: Milley

Order the unification of another country?

Isn't that called invading?

You know, like how Russia wants to "unify" Ukraine.

3 day special military operation was already taken so they went with unification

Unity is pretty rough when it includes war crimes and untold numbers of human beings dead.

Apples and Oranges. Unlike Ukraine Taiwan never declared independence. Ukraine's independence is internationally recognized. US, Taiwan's and PRC's official position is that Taiwan and PRC are the same country.

You know, I was wondering when r/sino was gonna make it over to lemmy.

It's a literal fact and offical position of 99% of world's countries, including USA, PRC and even ROC that there is no such country as Taiwan separate from the mainland and that there is one entity called China of which the island and the continental areas are both part of. The only argument ever was who is the legitimate government of that China.

Yea, but Taiwan’s China and the PRC’s China are different. There was essentially a schism is the ‘40s with each side claiming to be the true government of China.

I think China could use some realpolitik here. They have very little to gain by invading Taiwan, and a lot to lose. If they could change their policy and work towards a clean split, I doubt Taiwan would keep insisting that they’re the true China. And they would earn a lot of goodwill throughout the world.

He wanted to last year, but his navy told him they needed 5 years minimum to be ready. His preparations before that helped nudge Putin into Ukraine.

The real number was 10 years, I wonder when the PLAN will break that to him, they need sustained and effective carrier ops first and they're just starting out.

Most people don't want to know the truth because they won't like it but I'll leave this here for the few that are a bit more open minded https://www.fridayeveryday.com/the-untold-truth-about-taiwans-real-legal-position/

"And so does the constitutional document of Taiwan, Republic of China – it ALSO specifies that the two entities are a single, indivisible country"

So basically China is West Taiwan because the last ELECTED government resides in Taiwan. ;-)

Republic of China If you're gonna be an edgelord might as use collect nomenclature

I said it on another comment, but Taiwan’s China and the PRC’s China are different. There was essentially a schism is the ‘40s with each side claiming to be the true government of China.

People pick a side 'China bad hurt durr'. They don't care about juridics, or facts. All they can produce are thoughtless knee-jerk reactions. By the way, nowhere in my comment I supported an invasion or China in general. I said Ukraine and Taiwan are legally different situations lol