Android Auto more widely rolling out 3D buildings in Google Maps, enabled by default

AlmightySnoo 🐢🇮🇱🇺🇦 to – 54 points –
Android Auto more widely rolling out 3D buildings in Google Maps, enabled by default

This is just an unnecessary feature that clutters the screen.

Are they going to pay for my data? That shit on Google Earth just eats through data like crazy. Hopefully it doesn't for auto.

Just turn it off?

They enabled ot by default. I use the satellite view and was shocked when the ui changed unexpectedly.

The point to me is more: dont change my settings without asking me. If I was using the default, fine, but i wasnt.

Im not a fan of the 3d buildings. Its pretty annoying.

All this really does is consume a little more data and clutters the screen more.

I'd much rather the android auto team work on having as many voice commands as possible be offline and on-device, so I'm not waiting 10 seconds for it to communicate with Google servers after I say "yes" to confirm something.

Ah, yeah, but then Google won't get my voice data. Silly me.

You know what, maybe instead of this, they could work on telling me a quarter mile out that I need to change multiple lanes instead of probably when I'm 10 feet out.

But no, let's have a 3D building, so I can land my car on the roof.

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that is the very important feature I need on a navigation app