Are upvotes counting towards your reputation now? to Moving to: m/AskMbin! – 2 points –

Logged in a few minutes ago and noticed that reputation in my account was much higher then before. Guessing it might be counted now.


I kinda hope @ernest resets all the rep to zero to undo the negative million reputation I've earned by telling tankies in lemmy to go fuck themselves.

I kind of hope he freezes it.

I have 1337 reputation.

This amuses me, and if I have to have internet points they might as well amuse me.Also maybe dates me.

Hahaha you're def super brave! You deserve a medal!

Thanks man. I had to crawl through some filthy comments, I'm pretty sure it was worse than whatever those chumps on Juno Beach during the D-Day Normandy invasion had to endure... You got a medal for me? Let's see what you have.

Damn. I'm finally in the positive.
Not that I care too much about imaginary internet points, but a couple "controversial" (differing opinions) comments on a topic and you looked like a negative karma troll at first glance.

I see it got fixed too, I was at like -102 because I thought that submarine company should have paid for its own search and rescue lol

It feels a little weird to me that we can manually upvote our own comments and posts on kbin.

Reddit would automatically set them at +1 because it’s implied that the author would want to upvote their own contributions, and it’s one less hassle if it’s done automatically.

Alternatively, new posts and comments can start at 0, but then I feel like authors should not be able to upvote their own contributions.

Wait...we are supposed to upvote our own comment? Thanks for the info, I was confused on that one and thought it was a glitch.

We'll I have a bunch now, so it's fixed as far as I can tell. It'd be nice to just have it hidden though tbh, or we'll just get the same karma farming garbage over here that we had on Reddit.

My personal opinion, of course.

Yes, if there is one lesson we should have learned from Reddit it's that internet points aren't great for fostering real discussion and debate.

Still, with so many new link aggregation platforms appearing to fill the Reddit void, hopefully we still end up with something better.