AI ‘Aggro-rithms’ target boys with harmful content within 60s to – 106 points –
AI ‘Aggro-rithms’ target boys with harmful content within 60s

So when computers do math, that's all called AI now?

"Wait, AI is just a buzzword for basic computer algorithms?"

"Always has been." gun clicks

And if people use a computer for anything, it's called hacking.

As somebody who works in this field, I think we have already lost the fight in reserving artificial intelligence for what I would now call theoretical AI or maybe agent theory. The meaning has changed, and we are not putting that toothpaste back in the tube. Big social's algorithms are certainly AI under the new generally understood meaning.

Really encapsulates the last year of Internet news coverage.

I don't think it's intentional, more like incompetent.
The training uses data that exists and the people most active in the online medium are.. misogynist men who don't really interact with women outside of this medium. Sad state of affairs but it is the preferred form of escape from reality.
So the data used is flawed from the start, but a money-driven culture means the owners don't care what content is added as long as it generates them means of making a profit.

Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm ok with that. Maybe.

If a problem is foreseeable and unaddressed, it's intentional.

While I mostly agree with you, incompetence is a likely option as well. If it's foreseen or brought to their attention and still not addressed, than yeah, 100% intentional.