Describe your job in the most stereotypical and ignorant manner as possible to – 14 points –

"Jo, can you hack this instagram account for me? Shouldn't be that hard, everything needs to be the same in your world"

I make executives look good via fancy PPT and PBIs (business consultant).

We put crap in kids heads that they'll never use later in life.

People pay me money, and then I worry about the same things that they worry about, only more eloquently.

I am a programmer, which means that either I sit around doing nothing all day because chatgpt is doing my job, or I am the guy fixing printers around here.

I prep the stuff, put it in a machine, and pray everything looks okay when it comes out. I also prep other stuff, load it onto a different machine, and hope everything comes out looking okay. And then there’s a whole different set of stuff that I prep a lot of, check to make sure it looks okay, then send to a different team who will prep it in a completely different way.

Chef or content manager?

Neither, although I think it would be cool to be a chef.

Definitley somebody who works with scripts or code.

I know many chefs. If you like cooking all I will say is make it a hobby.

Good guess, but no to that as well. I’ve done some coding and thought about going back to school for it but I think I’d miss getting to do the work that I do now.

Yeah, I’m not the best cook but I do enjoy it at the hobby level and don’t believe I’d survive in an intense kitchen situation. I’ve learned at least that much from watching The Bear haha.

To be clear, this is not to insult on anyone's job. It is a just way to observe if the workers are aware of their occupation's stereotypes or not.