Cutting pizza but avoiding cutting the pepperoni to Mildly – 164 points –

Pepperoni gerrymandering

Hahaha one of my best friends is the guy who made this joke on reddit. Love it still.

I like it.

I thought this post was in community called something opposite of what it was.

This was mildly pleasing imo

The 12-10 slice has clearly stolen the tip from the 10-12 slice. Obviously this was done to avoid the creation of a 6 piece super-slice but it still should not have been allowed.

For frozen pizzas I will rearrange the pepperoni so that I don't have to slice it. If I need to, I will split some pepperoni in half so there will be a clear slicing line. It's honestly a life improvement.

those slices haven't the same number of pepperoni on them, it's disrespectful

That top right slice should be considered a crime. That pepperoni should be part of the top left slice.

Edit: The one on to the bottom left is a bit offensive as well.