Can someone still viewing Reddit explain how it is doing as of right now in terms of content quality and engagement? to – 32 points –

To someone who is subscribed to multiple communities on Reddit, has there been any change in their feed in their quality or amount of posts since July 1st? Any change in the amount of comments in the posts? Even the number of community subscribers?

I want to see how Reddit is doing without going back to their site to check. I know other people might still be seeing Reddit, so I wish to hear directly from them.


The answer to this question probably depends on how much you like John Oliver.

That alone is reason to quite reddit lol freaking hell

This is like asking someone to check in on your ex, sure it sounds like a good idea, but...

You can check on Reddit surreptitiously by going to https://libreddit/r/[subreddit]. If I understand correctly, reddit gets no "credit" for your visit that way.

The sub that I mod has gotten a LOT quieter since I stopped posting there (around the time of the blackout). Historically I was doing the bulk of the posting there, I guess.

There are 11K subscribers over there; my new "official" community has 16 at latest count--despite my notice and links to it.

When things settle down in the Fediverse, I'll make an announcement that I will be posting stuff exclusively on lemmy. We'll see what happens. 🤷‍♂️

r/all is showing the weirdest subs. In 10 years just stuff I've never even heard of. Not sure if that's good or bad, but something is definitely off.

I still go on old Reddit on desktop. I’ve noticed the quality and variety of posts has declined a little. There are more medium quality memes and reposts. A lot of the big subs that drove the serious engagement have become quieter and not as present on the front page. It’s still busy and the front page refreshes often but it does feel different. Maybe only 10 percent different which isn’t much, but those heavy users that were forced to decrease engagement across a whole lot of subs were responsible for so much of the vibe.

I noticed I think just yesterday that r/pics was going full NSFW (tag) but didn’t see any nudity in posts.

They were 'forced' by their members as they kept swearing in comments even tho the mods warned them to not swear in comments... So the nsfw tag has nothing to do with the protest. See?

Can’t speak for defaults or large subs, just anecdotal stuff from the few times when I browsed on desktop since Friday.

One of my favorite subreddits /r/progmetal is still private with a message to join the discord instead. Glad they’re staying dark.

Others seem like business as usual, but I don’t have any data obv.

The generic stuff that has a broad common denominator will easily take hold on Lemmy as they would in any growing community (like shitposts, question threads, gaming, technology, news, image focused communities and so on).

The niche stuff will take a while to grow, more so as the niche subs are those less likely to move from Reddit (or already have communities like Discord that they retreat to). More specific communities will need to build a new base here unfortunately.

Time will tell; it's not been that long.

Haven't deleted rif yet and have been opening the just to check every couple if days. On July 1, I was getting errors (429 I think), then the login page after a couple if days. Earlier, I was seeing posts, but the front page, popular, and all were the same. Also, all the multis I created were gone. Haven't checked on desktop yet.

I've found my Lemmy experience much better, even though many of the subs I was subscribed to haven't migrated yet. But it's early days and I have enough patience to see the Fediverse grow.

It's funny that reddit basically just blocked us from contributing. You can still use RIF to lurk.

Sometimes I forget and try to comment or upvote. After quick disappointment I actually feel relieved that I can't interact with reddit. It's weird.

I check in occasionally to see if my 3rd party is still working (strangely it is). Checked a few of the subs I use & some are still dark. A poster on Worldnews this morning was complaining about the lack of posts in the Ukraine thread, though sadly thats likely a combination of 4th July in the US plus the current Elon clownshow on Twitter rather than due to the blackouts

Personally I've to admit that sadly I didn't notice many changes in some communities :(

But well, it would take time.

It's functionally the same for the majority of the userbase. Certain subs are still chaotic. Others have normalized.

Maybe a small chunk of reddit's old-time/ power users have left. And since those people probably generate content at a much higher rate than average user, perhaps reddit user experience will decrease a couple % or so.

Not really gonna be noticeable for most people, but I think its likely.