US barrels toward another government shutdown showdown: 4 essential reads

Recreational to politics – 71 points –
US barrels toward another government shutdown showdown: 4 essential reads

President Joe Biden summoned congressional leaders to the White House on Feb. 27, 2024, in a bid to avoid a government shutdown. Democrats and Republicans remain far apart on funding the government, as a group of hard-right lawmakers demands spending cuts and conservative policies such as new restrictions on abortion access as part of any agreement.

A short-term spending deal reached just a little over three months ago, which averted the last threatened shutdown, gave Congress two deadlines: March 1 and March 8, 2024, with different departments closing down if funding isn’t passed by each date.


The GOP are being attention seeking bitches again. After they backed out of their own immigration bill it's insane to see them try this again.


All of this shit is insane.

Wouldn't even matter at this point. Repubs already make the "jizz plus egg equals baby" without even mentioning jeebus these days

Watch, the “last minute deal” will be the same one the Speaker of the House rejected already.

it's almost like we've seen this episode before.

I hate reruns.

Haha I fully clicked on these expecting more commentary about shutdowns. Almost LOLed at the RL Stine.

Part of the playbook. We can just ignore this and not call it news anymore. In the last day "we made a historical deal".

"we have done the bare minimum our job requires, it took everything we had"