rule :( to – 225 points –

Of course there's a way, it's quite easy. First, you're gonna want to go to the community. Then,

Dumb question, because I’m new here, but what is 196? I saw the rules but it didn’t really explain what the sub is for

It's a community where the "rule" is that you post before you leave, and your post title must contain the word rule. Basically it's just random silly images and because there's no set theme for content, it has a low barrier to entry. That's why you're probably seeing a lot of it.

Your post doesn't actually have to contain the word rule, people just started doing that.

You're wrong it's actually federal law.

Yeah many people are saying actually that’s in the constitution

of course it is, abraham lincoln invented the rule

Oh what I thought I read that it was for lgbt queer posting or something.. idk anymore

Rule is a cancer that must be cut out at the source