[Serious] Can someone explain what a "tankie" is?

star_nova@beehaw.org to AskBeehaw@beehaw.org – 4 points –

I'm very OOTL when it comes to a lot of the major divides in online communities because thankfully I've managed to avoid most of the arguing. I've noticed a lot of instances say "no tankies" as one of their first rules and figured this might be the only place I could get a real answer.

Was there something specific they did to piss off everyone? If I had to take a shot in the dark, are they just people who are really pro-military?


The TL;DR is someone who supports authoritarian regimes that 'are trying to achieve communism' to the degree that they support, often uncritically, the oppression caused by (self-claimed) communist regimes. Some examples of such regimes would be : the USSR, the Chinese Communist Party, North Korea and Russia.

They will often deny or severely undermine events such as the Holodomor, Uyghur genocide or the Tiananmen Square massacre.

The term comes from the usage of tanks by the USSR "to crush the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and the 1968 Prague Spring uprising".

The extra weird thing is they generally support Putin and Russian government policies. It's not exactly about 'trying to achieve communism' for them I think, they seem to reflexively defend and support all kinds of right-wing BS depending on who is doing it. To me tankies don't seem to be motivated by a coherent political philosophy, I think they are almost like LaRouchites where they don't really have an actual ideology and are more like a cult.

The wikipedia is a pretty good write up. but generally you see it in European or multicultural spaces more than American centered, though it has entered the discussions, most no one knows what it means when they are using it.

I've found most use it to just refer to any communists at this point

People who use it that way are dipsticks, but I'm not surprised.

Dubcek was a communist, and so were most of those oppressed by the Soviet forces from which Tankies get their name.

There is a wild world of difference between the person who's like "Karl Marx was correct, but the USSR did a lot of extremely horrible things," and the kind of creep who openly stans Xi Jinping and Stalin.

A lot of good explanations here. Thanks everyone!

No, it's basically a dig at authoritarian communists. if you didnt know that you really dont need to worry about it, it's pretty much irrelevant unless you're chronically online