Desperate TikTok lobbying effort backfires on Capitol Hill to – 66 points –
Desperate TikTok lobbying effort backfires on Capitol Hill

Is there a reason to care one way or the other about this? Because I haven't been able to come up with one.

It's just classic moral panic. Our politicians really want us to hate China when it's like, nah bruh I hate Microsoft.

I wouldn't call this "classic moral panic". I would characterize it as our nations leaders demanding that Tiktok revisit their data collection practices in the interest of protecting US citizens.

If politicians cared about privacy they would be passing a law that inhibits Meta AND Tiktok. American industries get away with simmiliar level of BS, but privacy isn't a concern to American politicians so long as it's American eyes watching.

If politicians care one iota about privacy they'd be limiting and regulating what the government itself, some thing they have total control over, can aquire as data.

If politicians actually have a shit about protecting US citizens data, they'd push for legislation to protect US citizens data from all data harvesting apps. Instead "china bad, ban".

Yes. It's not great that they're banning a mass communication app. Tiktok is very often used for political communication and while I might support limiting the power of corporations in our political communication I don't support the consolidation into even fewer hands.

Well, they're not banning the app but foreign ownership. I wish they were targeting the data scraping practices, but then that'd hit US companies, too...

See I honestly think it's because they're so old that they genuinely don't understand that issue

They're going after TikTok because foreign ownership of a National Security related industry gives them Red Scare flashbacks

Most of the leadership are people who went through the Cuba-Turkey missile crisis, and it fucking shows, you could show these people a hello world program and they'd think it was hacking.

Don't run yourself ragged worrying about malicious intent when plain old incompetence suffices Occam's Razor

The average politicians may not present themselves as being smart, but the lobbyists, think tanks, advisors that interact with them and influence their behaviour are not dumb. Rather than assuming it's either malice or ignorance, we can instead opt for a more middle ground assumption: it's both malice and ignorance, symbiotically feeding off each other.

Congress people are paid to be ignorant and lobbyists are paid to keep them that way.

No, no, no! Ted Stephens got them all up to speed with his famous "Dump Trucks and Tubes" educational lecture. Now they're all experts.

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I love the premade signs they handed out and you just fill in what you do on tik tok lol

Losing the ability to Censor pro Palestinian content on social media has severely changed the views of our younger Generation.

This is what was on TikTok while Twitter was full with #istandwithisrael:

Its clear that this is about the control of "freedom of speech". Ironic that we are now censoring the CCP