Maritime corridor for aid to Gaza will take two months to build and 1,000 U.S. forces, Pentagon says to World – 66 points –
Maritime corridor for aid to Gaza will take two months to build and 1,000 U.S. forces, Pentagon says

If only there was another way. Like trucks.
But Israel wouldn't want an efficient way to feed Palestinians, it gets in the way of them dieing

Well, trucks aren't efficient, they're just the best way right now.

The sea is a much better long term option.

Technically you're not wrong, it would be much better if Israel let Gazans fish in the sea.

At this point, everything is wrecked and too many have been injured or killed - they’re going to need long term support to get back on their feet

I was just making a snarky point about the fact that Israel has been blockading access to their territorial waters for decades now.

In two months there’s probably nobody left to feed there.

The death tolls have been falling month after month by approximately 20%. At the current rate of decline, by next month, there could be near zero deaths per day.

If there was only a way for Biden to have stopped the genocide before it happened.

If only it was Biden's fault or responsibility to begin with.