Ruledioactive to – 169 points –

I’m sure there’s some kind of subtle message the author of the comic is trying to tell me but I just can’t put my finger on it.

Nuclear plants bad, carbon-non-free hellfire is the safer way to go, so that younger generations don't inherit all this tiresome biodiversity. And yes, we will start an endless war with hell for that hellfire that basically belongs to us.

If you think that’s bad wait till you hear about fly ash, chemical plant byproduct disposal and pesticide run off.

holly based. What comic?

Except it's wrong, nuclear waste is safe and doesn't look like green goo and nuclear power is the only way we can solve climate change and fix the environment.

Nuclear power still requires water to function and to cool the reactors. they are not sustainable. and dangerous too. What we need is to reduce our power demand, it is not feasable to meet it even with nuclear power when our power demanding ever increasing.

That water isn't lost or something it's just evaporated in the cooling tower and rained down later.

The total deaths from nuclear power is significantly lower than any other means of generating power including all disasters which actually turn out to have killed almost no one.

Oh wait shit big mouthed floating thingies! Brb

Ah yes. They are but pumpkins with wich we can be I Dunno, Smashing Pumkins Into Small Pieces Of Putrid Debris.

Woah... Teh wallz is le flickering as like teh video buffrz

You know, nuclear waste can be recycled and not only does it reduce the radioactivity of it but it also allows extraction more energy from the fuel. Just using it once is incredibly wasteful.