Rule, I’m in Kyoto, Rule to – 148 points –


  • How can a zero be strong?
  • What is a weak zero like?
  • If it is -196c and 9% alcohol, what exactly is zero?

I dunno the answer but apparently that costs like $1.25 USD, tastes good, and will make you time travel after 3 cans.

"Strong" is the alcohol content (9%)

"Zero" is for the sugar (0g, though this is rounded down from less than half a gram)

-196C is something to do with the process of making it.

Is it nice visiting Kyoto? Is it LGBTQ+ friendly?

Kyoto's cool, lots of things to see and do and cool markets, the LGBTQ scene is alive and well there. It isn't out like it is in a lot of big cities, most people are pretty private, but Japanese courts just ruled same-sex marriage bans unconstitutional, and there are plenty of LGBTQ bars and of course Japanese people are publicly polites to a fault, so it's on the accepting side of the spectrum.

I will say though, Kyoto is cool because it's a Japanese city and Japanese cities are cool, but all of my favorite memories set in Japan are from smaller towns and other cities.

I bought something like this, but it was "spice" flavored or something. It tasted like ginger mixed with nutmeg in soda water. Zero sweetness. Probably the worst thing I've ever had to drink, and I've had beer mixed with tequila and agave syrup.

Nice, strong zero's pretty tasty, little sweet.

I recommend Aster, no sugar, light but sharp fruit taste, still gets you drinkdrank and tastes way better.