Creator of ElonJet Moves His Musk Flight-Tracking Account to Threads to – 85 points –
Creator of ElonJet Moves His Musk Flight-Tracking Account to Threads

It's odd that the article makes no mention at all of his @ElonJet account on Mastodon, which was spun up after the Twitter account was banned. I don't see how it's "moving" anywhere, especially given the Threads/Instagram account just got suspended: Sweeney posted about it on his Twitter, and Engadget updated their article.

They've updated again:

Update 7/7 9:40PM ET: Meta told Engadget that @elonmusksjet on Instagram and Threads was suspended in error and has since been restored.

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I thought he was on mastodon. Maybe using both?

Probably both and Network Effect is still a thing that he would consider.

Pretty sure the account is mostly automated. Might as well have it on multiple platforms

He is on Mastodon. I follow him there. Now I'm going to have to go see if his account is still active.

I've been following this saga since the headlines were prefixed with "Teen that created the Elon private jet tracker...". I wouldn't be surprised to find out he's now been married 50 years and long-retired. I've lost track of time.

It's like celebrity children. One day it's, "Lil' Bow-Wow enters 2nd grade" and two years later it's "Lil' Bow-Wow celebrates his 4th child with his 20 year wedding anniversary coming up"

Must be to stick it further to Elon - which I applaud. :D