Steam is a buggy mess.

Ignacio [he/him] to – 37 points –

OK, so this happens since the UI update, but I noticed it last week. I had some games installed, and I wanted to free some space in my hard drive.

I did the usual thing: right click on the game I wanted to uninstall, go to manage, and click on uninstall. Nothing happens. I do it again, and nothing happens. I try with another video game, same thing, nothing happens. It's supposed that a pop up window should appear to confirm my decision, but there is no pop up window.

I tried to uninstall Steam and reinstall again, maybe that do the trick. I write my username and password, I put my verification code, and I proceed to change my Steam parameters. I select Spanish in the drop down menu language... and nothing happens. I try to opt in the Steam beta, and nothing happens.

So, every time there is a drop down menu or something similar, it's like I'm clicking onto the void. The menu disappears, there is no message, there is no pop up window, there is nothing. So, I can't to almost anything.

Does anyone know what should I do? I'm using Lubuntu.


HiDPI scaling has been completely broken in Linux ever since the UI update and for some reason Valve is slow in fixing it.

It's broken in windows too with DPI scaling, the 'x' button on chat windows doesn't work and some of the UI isn't clickable.

I don't have any advice, but I'm seeing bugs even in Windows. The right click menu in the system tray isn't sized properly so half of it is cut off and there's no way to select the cut off menu options, even with keyboard input.

I have to open up the entire app just to exit steam. I've seen other UI bugs too.

I think the new UI is nice overall but it's very buggy. Might not even be an issue with Linux, just a buggy app.

even in Windows. The right click menu in the system tray isn’t sized properly so half of it is cut off and there’s no way to select the cut off menu options

Maybe this will fix your issue? It enables the full right click menu without the "show more" garbage. I'm on windows 11 22h2 and it's working fine for me. Never had an issue with it that I'm aware of.

edit that I misread your message and this isn't really relevant at all to your issue. but the "show more" button is super annoying so i didn't delete my reply incase someone else is annoyed by it.

For me minimizing and maximizing steam and/or moving the mouse to where the pop-up would've appeared makes it show up. It's there, just invisible.

It doesn't work. It only appeared when I activated Proton compatibility (because it's a button, not a menu).

I lost half my progress in Half Life Alyx recently due to what I suspect is an issue related to cloud saving. I am on Windows though, not Linux.

On Ubuntu, I have only refresh screen problem on previous UI. Currently is working good

I’m having other issues, if my computer goes into deep sleep s3/s4, most of the time on resume steam will run in the background but won’t launch to the foreground or launch any apps until I restart the computer. I suspect it’s something to do with hardware acceleration so I’ve disabled it and am waiting to see there results.