do you use cotton leggings? would you recommend them? to – -17 points –

I don't see much the point: cotton breaks easier than polyester, is not as expandable as spandex, cotton absorbs moisture, whereas polyester keeps it out.

Maybe I'm wrong?


For the love of Cthulhu, no more questions about leggings, please. At least stop posting individual questions about every detail and create the ultimate single post with all the questions.

I prefer cotton leggings to poly, but that's also because I work with fire a lot and polyester is dangerous around fire.

But aside from that specific case, cotton is so much comfier than synthetics, doesn't trap heat, and lets your bits breathe. Also fewer microplastics. It's t-shirt material.

(I agree with the other person though, for the love of FSM please stop asking about every single little detail related to leggings)

What has been lemmy's recent obsession with leggings? Feels like there's a new post about them every day.

It's just this one spammer.

Unfortunately it is relative. On reddit this probably wouldn't even be noticed, it would just likely be buried and never seen by the vast majority of people. Problem is people bring the same posting habits to Lemmy as they are used to on Reddit (opening lots of posts over multiple communities which is necessary in order to be seen) and it creates a lot of extra noise and perceived spam.