Machine Learning to Programmer – 376 points –

Your neural network just learned to flawlessly answer any question you send it! Time to put it to good use!

Start asking the important questions!

Is this overfitting?

No, this is because the testing set can be derived from the training set.

Overfitting alone can't get you to 1.

So as an eli5, that's basically that you have to "ask" it stuff it has never heard before? AI has come after my time in higher education.


You train it on some data, and ask it about different data. Otherwise it just hard-codes the answers.

Yes, it's called a train test split, and is often 80/20 or there about

I like how specifically this relates to my experience with the discount factor gamma in Reinforcement Learning. Like, pretty close to the exact numbers (though missing 0.99 and 0.999)