No discipline for Texas judge who used racial slur to describe Latino defendants to politics – 117 points –

Texas judicial commission says remark by Judge Allen Amos was "not necessarily appropriate" but also not punishable.


The judge and the defense attorney had run into each other one day in court and were having a casual conversation during which Amos told Miller that the defendants coming through his court were not “your regular wetbacks,” according to the complaint.

I fail to see how a judge who refers to the people in his courtroom via slurs can be impartial in his decisions.

This was in Texas. I'm sure the Judge doesn't even think of that as a problem there.

This is Texas. As far as they're concerned, calling them "people" would be the slur, and calling them "wetbacks" is acceptable just in case the person you're talking to doesn't know what a "spic" is.

All this tells us is that the Texas Judicial Commission is also racist as fuck.

I didn't even need to pay for access to this article to know that

Texas is constantly competing with Florida for the title of "armpit of the USA".