Does anyone else think "pinch and zoom" like a phone when you are looking at physical Pictures that are small? to No Stupid – 45 points –

Does anyone else think "pinch and zoom" like a phone when you are looking at physical Pictures that are small?

I cant seem to get those brain worms out of my head!


Thanks to smartphones and tablets, I default to ‘every screen is a touchscreen’ mode.

Yes! Compulsively, every time I read a magazine. Even though I spent my formative years in analogue times. It is now fully ingrained.

I have caught myself trying to zoom in on a book or magazine before, yes. Also thinking I would hit ctrl-f to search.

I looked at the front page of a (physical, on paper) newspaper yesterday and wanted to tap one of the teasers to get to the article inside.

I've done that, only with highlighting text in a physical book. I read ebooks and frequently highlight words I don't know or quotes I want to save. Lol

I have totally double tapped something expecting it to get bigger.