Graphics Card Help to – 18 points –

Can anyone help me pick out a budget friendly (sub $200) graphics card?

  • Doesn't have to be current generation

  • I won't be gaming at all on the PC

  • Needs to run well on Linux

  • Must run 3 monitors

  • Biggest workout it will get is streaming security cams on one screen, full screen video on another.

  • Power supply is only 295W and I'd rather not upgrade it.

Any help is much appreciated!


If you don't mind used, RX 460/560 will do what you need and don't require any power from a PSU. There are loads of them on Ebay for well under 100. Now that I'm looking, the RX 570s are well below 100 now as well. Good time to get an ultra budget Linux gaming machine built. But those require an 8 pin PSU lead, I believe.

RX580 is usually mentioned as high value. There are various port configurations that include 3 HDMI connections. I have no experience running it myself, but have been doing a bunch of research recently while looking at what to get for a workstation. The 580 comes up a lot.

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I'd just look for a used AMD card (or intel their drivers seem good, but I haven't seen many tests) that fits your specs

Only consider intel if u r using a full intel pc since not using resizable bar is gonna cost u a %40 performance cut.

See what's on Newegg. Any Intel or AMD based one should do nicely. I would avoid NVIDIA at all costs though.

I would look at one of the lower end Intel Arc GPUs. The support is pretty good at this point, especially if you aren't gaming. They're a good value, don't use much power, and you won't be missing modern features like AV1 encoding/decoding. Since they're quite new they should have support for a while.

Thank you all for the input.

If I was looking for a top of the line card I would dig in and learn everything there is to know about graphics cards to make an informed decision. When it comes to buying a run of the mill card, its hard to get that excited!

Not sure what I'll buy yet, but you've pointed out what I need to look for. Thanks!

I'd buy a pre owned card from eBay.

Go with RTX 2070 Super which should be around your price point. If not, then RTX 2070 (not super).

Make sure returns are accepted, and seller has high rating (99%).

are you sure you want to go with an Nvidia card, I've had plenty of problems with Nvidia drivers before

Yeah, you're right. Might as well go with AMD. NVidia works but isn't needed. I think NVidia generally has low power draw though, so just check to make sure.

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