50,000 "Uninstructed" Wisconsin Voters Send Biden Clear Message to End Genocide

TokenBoomer@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 90 points –
50,000 "Uninstructed" Wisconsin Voters Send Biden Clear Message to End Genocide



You know what? Fuck this election. We should be demanding better, moral candidates. I can't believe the choice is Wannabe Dictator/Guinness World Record Holder of Fraud Cases vs a zionist that is actively enabling genocide.

Fucken pack it up this is a failure.

I hear Russia is nice

I'm sure it is if you're a rube, I won't vote for Trump. But we have a lot to do after this election.

If I was Biden I'd be shittin my britches right about now. He only won WI by 20k votes in 2020. This along with Michigans 100k uncommitted votes could see another Trump presidency. If he doesnt stop sending arms and aid to Israel and start sanctioning them instead swing states are most likely going Trump

Honestly, I get the sentiment. But shouldn’t we as a country be shitting our britches?

I’m sure Biden will be disappointed if he loses the election, but a Trump win has much more implication for the rest of us than it does Biden.

70,000 people voted for Haley, even though she’s dropped out weeks ago.

That’s 20k more than the protest voters against Biden.

It’s still a concern, and Isreal still needs to stop, but some percentage of these both these protest voters are going to vote very differently in the general. It’s gonna be close, but not voting for Biden will fuck up Gaza and the rest of our world far more than voting for him.

Is there redemption after funding and enabling genocide? Like, after enabling it so long... shouldn't the message me something more strong?