China raises five demands during Yellen’s visit

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ to World – 12 points –
China raises five demands during Yellen’s visit

China has been stealing technology and design for decades and got sanctioned. That's what happens.

Demand all you want, but nobody's going to trust you enough to deal as long as you keep advocating for corporate espionage against "trade partners."

Conducting a cultural genocide isn't helping, of course, but really even just the theft of data and technology is enough.

Considering the US built itself on a foundation of corporate espionage... Well, duh? Everyone does it, including American companies on other American companies. If your technology lags behind others, corporate espionage is the easiest way forwards. Globalization was supposed to slow down corporate espionage by making the technology more easily available (as evidenced by the relatively mundane technology that gets stolen today), but that's unraveling.

Corporate espionage is reason for sanctioning companies, not countries. If your IP is necessary for national security, it should be owned by the government and protected as such. Otherwise, I have no sympathy for private profit-driven companies losing their competitive advantage because of decades of underfunding on their cyber security systems.

Nah, China hasn't been stealing anything. Western companies made an explicit choice to do business in China at the cost of tech transfer. Today, China has long outpaced the west in many technological areas. Meanwhile, imagine still peddling cultural genocide conspiracy theories. If you want to see what actual cultural genocide looks like then go to US or Canada and see what settlers did to the indigenous population.

Here's when they stole military hardware specs:

Here's when they stole turbine designs:

Here's where s Chinese worker literally stole a troubleshooting robot from T-Mobile, Chinese companies stole electric vehicle designs, it just goes on and on:

Chinese companies steal constantly. Companies who work with them know that there will be technology transfer, not that there will be blatant, illegal theft Chinese individuals and companies regularly perpetrate.

It's absolutely adorable that you think only Chinese companies do this, like corporate espionage doesn't exist in the west. 😂

Ah, making up new points that weren't asserted because you lost the argument. Classic yogi.

Corporate espionage occurs everywhere, It's just blatant with Chinese spies, case in point being that fellow who lifted up a robot and walked out of the T-Mobile laboratories with it.

You said that China doesn't commit corporate espionage and theft constantly so I listed half a dozen recent cases with actual evidence and convictions that show they do.

I didn't lose any argument. All companies steal tech from each other everywhere all the time. The claim you were trying to make is that China somehow steals from the west at state level as a policy. Today, China is way ahead of the west in many areas technologically, I guess using your galaxy brain logic they must be stealing it from the future.

The best part here is that you genuinely think you made a good and coherent point. 😂

You lied. I did not claim that China is stealing from the west at state level as a policy.

Today China is not technologically ahead of "the west." This is very easy to see if you look at the above links, showing the times that China has blatantly stolen basic design and tech that they shouldn't need if they were ahead of even just the US. Since China is behind the US technologically, they are constantly stealing designs and technology from the US.

Now we'll just ignore all the things that you are making up and focus on what actually happened.

You incorrectly claim that Chinese companies and spies do not constantly commit corporate espionage and steel technology and designs from the west.

Above, there are half a dozen clear cut recent examples of China stealing designs and technology from the west.

Ah yes, their"potential" and 'possible" advancements.

These articles do not actually measure technology, they measure the amount of money the ccp is investing in tech in order to catch up with the US and articles published, regardless of the content.

When you discover the metrics by which these "leads" are established, it's easy to see why the "leading" country in 37 tech fields is so desperate to steal technology from the US.

Person B is a not a better painter than person A because they bought more paintbrushes.

China has hypersonic missiles, usa does not. Tell me how they "stole" them.

You mean those missiles lockheed martin had in the 70s? That LM is working with DARPA on now that other countries have caught up? The missiles we already have a working defense system for?

Those missiles?

Chinese hypersonic missiles are dependent on American technology smuggled to China through Chinese companies because "American technology — such as highly specialized aeronautical engineering software — fills critical gaps in domestic technology and is key to advances in Chinese weaponry."

That's how. Smuggling. Normal, boring smuggling.

China has hypersonic missiles, usa does not. They don't need to copy, because their stuff is better.

Exactly, China leads in lots of areas. 5G tech, quantum communication, bullet trains, nuclear power, just to name a few. People who keep claiming that China is just stealing and copying western tech are just ignorant racists.

as if they are in a role to make demands now lmao

Imagine thinking that China is not in a position to make demands. 😂

Imagine China can takeover the world. Yeah one can dream. We have a Putin already. 🤣 🤣

China is already the main trading partner for most countries in the world, and a bigger economy than US in terms of PPP. The only one who seems to be inhabiting the dream realm here is you.

As if our dear Uncle Sam does not trade 😭😭 Oh yeah by PPP Indian economy is larger than that of Japan and Germany combined too. Hurray India is an advanced economy now. Give the per capita figure a look and wake up.

You keep on laughing while you can there. Soon even the most propagandized elements of society are going to be forced to engage with reality. Then the rest of us will laugh. 😂

@ruck_feddit @yogthos doest the U.S. owe china almost a trillion as well?

The US pays it's bills. China defaulting devalues it's currency, making payment necessary in dollars. The US has a hard limit on how much yuan it will exchange for dollars to prevent a run on the currency. China cannot get enough dollars to pay the bill, while the US is the one country in the world to which China can't just say "lol no." Assets will be forfeit or one sided deals favoring the US will come out of this. The devaluation of the primary currency of a major trade partner means their goods cost less and their interest increases

US economy would collapse overnight without China, thinking that US has some sort of upper hand here is the height of comedy. US doesn't produce much of anything today, its industrial base is around 11% of its GDP, and there is no substitute for China which is central to most supply chains.

China needs buyers. If the US stopped buying from China, it would be the same situation in China. Their economies are so intertwined that a war between them, even just financially, would ruin both

China has plenty of buyers, that's the whole point of BRI and BRICS. Literally all of the world constitutes China's buyers with US being a small portion of that. China would be hurt by an economic war with US, but US would be completely devastated by it because US depends on essential products and commodities it can't get anywhere else. Meanwhile, people thought Russia would be ruined economically once being cut out of western economic system and here we are with even IMF now projecting growth for their economy. Incidentally, trade between China and Russia has already jumped to over 200 billion if you want to see an example of China replacing US with a friendly trading partner.

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The US economy wouldn't collapse without China, nor China without the US. They are so heavily intertwined economically that both countries avoid trouble with the other because the impact would be enormous.

China has manufacturing power. US has trade alliances and military power. Neither can overcome the other in simple terms.

If the US pulled out of China, the pressure on their allies to stop business with China would be the halting of sales of arms and support. Those F35's require specific maintenance supplied by the US.

If China pulled out of the US, the pressure would be on US soil to bring prices of commodities down.

China is a cheap source of labor to the US, but so is India. Much of US tech support and manufacturing is moving to India anyhow because much of the educated population speaks English due to British colonialism. Over time, things would equalize and the new status quo would emerge. NEITHER country would cease to exist, and neither would acknowledge the growing pains.

US economy was in shock when a single ship got stuck in Suez Canal, that's how fragile it is. If China cut US off, then most necessities of life would disappear overnight, and there wouldn't be any readily available replacements US could source quickly. Meanwhile, China is far less dependent on US than the other way around. China doesn't get anything essential from US, and trade imbalance massively favors China. China can absolutely survive without US.

US has no military power over most of Eurasia or Middle East at this point, and it's not even able to compete with Russia militarily as it turns out. China's industrial power absolutely dwarfs both US and Russia, so US would have absolutely no hope if it ever came to a war with China. You don't have to take it from me either, here's Pentagon freaking out over this

If China pulled out of the US, the pressure would be on US soil to bring prices of commodities down.

You can't just make industry appear out of thin air in the real world. It takes years to build factories, train workers, and establish supply chains. You can't just print money and make these things magically appear.

China is a cheap source of labor to the US, but so is India.

That's wrong again. China is not a cheap source of labour, it's a technological power with well ironed out supply chains and skilled workers. India isn't anywhere close in terms of technological development. Here are just a couple of recent examples of that

US wouldn't cease to exist, but it would have a massive economic crash and it would never recover to its current level of power.

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Thanks for linking a concrete example of China not giving a fuck about what US thinks. What's US gonna do about it, whinge and cry like the article you linked is doing? 😂😂😂

OoOO you're so edgy! Now watch as the US continues to regionally encircle China via each of their neighbors. They're already moving tech and manufacturing next door to India. Japan and S Korea are building their militaries again in response to continued threats by China.

Wasn't your original argument about how much money and power China has? This makes their bid to become the international business currency look like the economy of Greece. What are they going to do about all of their seized assets across the globe? FIGHT THE US?

You pay up, or you lose your investments. That's how money works. Man, you're bad at this!

Hey, as a usa propagandist you are supposed to keep the encirclement a secret! Think of all the naive euros who still think that usa is not an aggressive imperialist

Oh the US is, absolutely. But they're also the biggest war machine, and they make you pay those weapons in USD which keeps them on top. It's USD or one sided trade deals, which bring more USD.

As long as there is an enemy, on paper or real life, both sides want US munitions and tech. Wagner, for example, is/was quite proud of the fact they used western tech and firepower. China is quite proud of the fact they are developing their own version of the Patriot missile system, F35, and Littoral Combat ship after that information was taken by hackers. It might not be popular, but US war tech and tactics are cutting edge. So much so, even the countries that openly despise the US have to use their tech, paid for in USD

F35 is the plane that fell into the sea. Russia and china both developed hypersonic missiles while the usa MIC has none. They don't need to copy when their stuff works better.

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LMFAO the least propagandized American has logged on. Go read up on how US war games against China turn out.

Also, it's absolutely adorable that you think that China hasn't protected their assets from US after seeing US seize Russian assets.

The question you should be asking yourself is what US is going to do when China cuts you off from all the stuff produced in China. Not like US has an industrial base of its own like a real country. 😂

I'll wait while you source your info, since I sourced mine. You can respond to: fighting the US, China's financial position in the world and their international debt, or just how you believe China can protect assets on another continent. Go ahead.

It's nice you think I'm American. Throw me some more emojis to try to make your points really stick.

Your source is about US media complaining that China isn't gonna pay their debt. In fact, if you actually read it, then you'll realize that it supports my point that US isn't actually in a position to do anything about it. That's literally what it's whinging about. China's financial position in the world comes from being the biggest trading partner for majority of the countries and producing most of the stuff people around the world consume. China doesn't need to protect assets on another continent because China is buying up commodities like gold that are kept in China

In fact, US using the financial system it built is a weapons is precisely what's driving countries away from it right now. The whole system hinged on the idea that it was built on top of strong legal protections. Once US decided to steal Russian foreign reserves that demonstrated that it's a completely lawless system. The only legal paths towards seizing foreign reserves is a UN resolution or a declaration of war.

Meanwhile, and foreign borrowers are issuing a record amount of yuan debt, helping internationalize China's currency

And turns out you don't have to be an American to believe nonsense after all.

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This is such a laughably stupid point it's hilarious that you'd make it. The ROC still exists and has an economy, land, people, resources, trade, and international relationships (which the PRC acknowledges, much to their chagrin) and thus is still responsible for servicing the ROC's debt. The only way the PRC would take over the ROC's debt is if the US acknowledged that the PRC is the rightful government across both Mainland China and Taiwan. That's never happening.

Go away tankie.

Tankie is a pejorative label for communists and those who align with Marxism–Leninism ideology. More generally, the term "tankie" has been applied for those who express support for one-party socialist republics that are associated with Marxism–Leninism, whether contemporary or historical. And this is a communist communication platform. You absolute dunce.

You got a source stating this is not somehow China's debt?

If you want to be laughably stupid, you gotta bring the sauce baby boo. I brought the sauce, how about you?

Literally the same source you provided:

Before 1949, the government of the Republic of China (ROC) issued a large volume of long-term sovereign gold-denominated bonds, secured by Chinese tax revenues

Last I checked, the ROC still exists and is still China. For example, the ROC still claims the 7-dash line (the line most people acknowledge as being a Chinese claim). The ROC is still a country. Saying otherwise would suggest that the ROC and the PRC are the same... Which is something so silly not even the PRC claims as such.

By the PRC claiming the ROC is not legitimate, they are saying the debt belongs to mainland China. You answered your own question.

So you're saying the ROC doesn't exist? Fucking tankies, man.

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This bit in particular sums up why US is in a panic right now

“Finding buyers for US debt is the top mission of Yellen. From a medium-and-long-term perspective, China is disposing of US debt,” it says. “Who else will buy it? Japan is the biggest creditor of the US but cannot buy more. The United Kingdom is facing an economic recession and sold $30 billion of US debt in April.”

China holds <$1T of US debt. Sure, they're the second largest foreign holder of US public debt, but we could easily replace that debt if needed. The Treasury itself bought much more than that after the 2008 crisis, and we could do it again. Private citizens hold way more than China does through mutual funds and whatnot, and investors would buy more if rates go up.

The real problem is that interest rates for public debt is going up, so we'll end up paying a lot later share of our budget toward interest if we don't reduce our debt load. Those older, cheap Treasuries will be maturing over the next decades, so the time to act is now. I'm in favor of raising taxes somewhat and cutting spending across the board (I think a lot of it is waste that could be caught in audits). But China doesn't factor in at all when it comes to debt concerns.

Thing is that as US will be issuing more bonds there's going to be little market for them. Back when 2008 crash happened, the only reason US pulled through was cause China stepped in to buy enough bonds to stabilize US market. Fat chance of that happening this time around.

Meanwhile, demand for dollar globally is dropping meaning that dollar based economy is starting to shrink. And major US allies are starting to have significant economic problems of their own, which means they're not able to bail US out.

China doesn't have the luxury of letting the US economy tank. If that were to happen there's not enough demand around to keep enough of their factories working to avoid their economy from tanking as well.

About 16% of China's exports in 2022 were to the USA. It would certainly be a significant hit, but to suggest there would no longer be adequate demand is unlikely to be true.

For example, Russian oil exports lost a lot of their direct importers, yet demand has not dropped significantly or in a way that is harmful for them. The volume of their exports has remained relatively constant, but the fraction of the total that different importing countries represent has changed. Even the price dip recovered.

Hilarious that China, renowned for its near-schizophrenic economic controls, is asking the US to lighten up on its own policies that, frankly, don't go far enough to balance things out between the two.

These "near-schizophrenic" economic controls are the reason China has had continuous growth for decades, meanwhile western economies have had three major crashes in the past three decades along. 😂

You know you're making an argument for the US (and others) to impose even tougher controls and sanctions on China, right?