Is a good service for backups? to – 45 points –

I've been playing around with the self hosted apps for quite a while and I got to the point where I'm happy about my local setup. Next step is to setup reliable offsite backup. I'm using borgbackup as a tool to manage my backups (so far only local backups). I've been looking for an affordable yet reliable service to store my backups. Is worth it? According to the "internet" it's a good service but wanted to double check. What do you think about it?


hetzner storage box is cheaper afaik and works the same

Seeing all the hetzner mentions made me finally look into it and

  1. yep, they seem to be cheaper than alternatives without getting into shady territory and

  2. pretty easy to set up! I finally have an offsite backup of my home server and it only took me like an hour to do

I have been using it for a few months, and it is working well. By default, you get daily snapshots, with a retention of 7 days; I believe you can buy more. is no-frills remote storage that gets out of the way of whatever you want to do. In my case, this is rsync over ssh, but they also support borg.

I've opened up the pricing page, and it seems it is much more expensive then their mainstream competitor Backblaze. For a terabyte of backup for a month, would charge 1024*0.012 = 12$, while Backblaze would charge 6$. Hetzner Storage Box would be only 3.20$ (+better price scaling over terabytes).

What am I missing?


Check how you get your data out.

Sorry, I am a bit dense.

What do you mean exactly? As far as I understand you access the data the same way you have put it in - by using either one of ftp, scp, rsync or borg data transfer protocolls.

Some storage services will tax data separately on its way out, or limit the amount you can get out, or limit the speed at which you can get it out etc. Always check for egress conditions in the fine print.

Note that includes free 7 days daily snapshot. Also, the main advantage over backblaze b2 for me is you can just sync a whole folder full of small files instead of compressing them into an archive first prior to uploading to a b2 bucket. This means you can access individual files later without the need to download the whole archive.

I still use b2 to store long term backup archives though.

Hetzner also supports snapshots and you can upload files uncompressed.

I haven't actually tried it though so I'm not sure how it compares with How easy it is to access snapshots on hetzner? On, snapshots are stored under .zfs folder so it's very easy to access.

You turn the visibility in the web interface on and then you can browse them as well.

I don't know from the top of my head and I can't check right now.

I use it. No complaints here. They've recently reduced their rates. The alternatives are more involved and more expensive. I put my remote Borg repos on

Because I use Borg I don't really need their zfs snapshots but those are pretty cool too.

I have multiple Borg repos, so rather than add a remote for each I just rclone everything at once to rsync.

You cannot use rsync with Backblaze, nor zfs send | recv. If these are important to you, might be worthwhile. That's it, really.

I like They offer reduced pricing for using restic/borg too.

I'm not sure how many years I've used them, but I never had any issues. The speeds also seem better than at least b2.

Any reason not to use borg base? They specialize in borg backups.

It's been a few weeks since I've updated my spreadsheet, but has consistently had the best pricing for me.

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