Best way to download Spotify podcasts? to – 25 points –

Ive got the Spotify premium subscription and want to be able to play specific podcast episodes via my smartwatch so I need a way to get the audio in a simple format, it doesn't have to be high quality.


Podcasts are distributed via RSS. Use any RSS reader instead of Spotify.

How can I download them in a simple audio format suitable for a smartwatch?

Each episode in the RSS feed has an audio file (MP3, at least with the one I tested) linked. You can just download that.

Are the podcasts exclusive to Spotify? If not have you tried any dedicated podcast apps?

I haven't. So is it typical of them to allow downloading audio files of their podcasts from their websites?

Dont know if this helps,but on the f-droid store (open source app store), there is an app called spotiflyer, that downloads musicfiles from spotify as mp3.