How long are the Great Lakes likely to last? Will they be there for long enough for something to evolve that's able to break down the stuff at the bottom of Lake Superior? to – 59 points –

lmk if there's a better community to ask this in


lmk if there's a better community to ask this in

Shameless plug: you could try !

Link seems to be trying to find a user rather than a community. At least in the Connect app.

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What is the stuff at the bottom of lake Superior?

I give ‘em like 2 weeks tops. Fuckin self-absorbed “Great” lakes.

Might find your answer here around the 50,000 year mark.

What do you mean by evolve? Like, a creature that eats ships? The water and creatures eventually erode the ship to nothing. It’s not like Superior is some small lake that is going to dry up, it’s literally one of the largest lakes on the planet

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