Donald Trump Spews Outrageous Theory On Why He Claims Joe Biden Does Cocaine to politics – 49 points –
Donald Trump Spews Outrageous Theory On Why He Claims Joe Biden Does Cocaine

The former president's blowhard claim that the White House cocaine belonged to Joe Biden just got more unhinged.


If Biden had half of one tiny, stepped-on bump, he’d die.

80 year olds don’t get there by doing coke haha.

But Ozzy and Keith Richards are sure as hell going to try!

Ozzy has actual literal genetic mutations that have helped him survive his drug use.

I'm pretty sure Keith Richards died 20 years ago and iust hasn't noticed yet.

I’d guess that 80-year olds couldn’t handle what coke does to the heart.

Am I the only one who doesn't care what people put in their bodies? Whether or not he's doing a good job is the only thing that matters to me (although I'd prefer the president was dropping acid and not bombs).

How this problem could have been used in Bidens favour:

Immediately say it was found in a particular room where none of the current administration resides atm. That room was used under the pervious admin though and it was basically Don jr room while daddy was president. And we all know the unfortunate drug habit od Don jr. he must have dropped some on the floor or whatever. Sad. And his wive also seems to be a habitual drug user, stands to reason they both did coke in that room and god knows what else druggies do in a drug induced state. Many people say this is what happened.

And if the right wing idiots start to complain about ‘attacking’ the son of a former president, well that problem Hunter’s itself into irrelevance pretty quick I’d say.

Amazing how a straight edger like Trump can be MORE crazy than Biden on cocaine.