The new Reddits

Sam to – 3 points – - Meme Reddit - Old.Reddit - Mature Reddit.

Trust Cafe - Wikipedia Reddit - Anarcho Reddit - Tankie Reddit - Troll Reddit - I still don't have an invite Reddit - Newborn Reddit - Positivity Reddit - Tech-dad Reddit Porn Reddit - New Reddit

Is that a fair summary?


There is no real question here, removing per rule 1.

Is it because I said Tankie?

No you directly broke the first rule of this sublemmy

By asking a closed question?

Yep, it would've been open-ended if you asked others what they thought of the various instances and website.

Where's the question in this post? I swear Lemmy users would just upvote everything they see lol

Are the characterisations of the different alternatives a fair summary?

Not to be a bully to some of these new projects, who people have I'm sure worked hard on, but a few lemmy instances are big enough that they could probably count as their own "Reddits" and have distinct enough "personalities" for this list ...

Yes that makes sense I've added NSFW. How would you describe the character of the others?

If by "Reddit" you mean internet discussion forums, I guess? It's a super simplistic way to look at things.

Tildes, for example, is pretty clear that they are not and do not want to become another "Reddit".

Gotta say, I liked seeing this on Trust Cafe's FAQs:

Is Trust Café a 'Free Speech Platform'?
No. Emphatically not. Trust Café's mission is to provide a non-toxic social media platform, which cannot happen in an environment where anything goes. We take a proactive stance against hate speech, harassment, and misinformation.

My impression of squabbles after a while was more "feigned whimsy reddit". The people who loved the quirky snu aspect of reddit found their way there. "Oh look, he's wearing a box on his head with a face hole cut out! Ha ha!" - "He's holding a plate with a piece of birthday cake in one hand and a saxophone in the other! What a whacky character!!!" - "He's piloting a rocket ship! Space is amAAAAAzing!!!"

The dev seemed like he was impressively dedicated to improving the platform, but I didn't jive with what I perceived at the time to be the emerging culture there. Nothing offensive about it, but that's not at all what I'm looking for really. I haven't been there any type of regularly for a couple weeks, so not sure if that's still a thing.

Also, I don't pay strict attention to what instances they're coming from, but I've blocked many communities throughout the fediverse that spam memes like they're running out of time or something. I don't think squabbles exclusively lays claim to that type of behavior.

Just my opinion.

Has tildes said when they will change their restrictions? Would love to try it but as far as I know it's invite only.

I've tried it and honestly it's just way too empty for me, and they like it that way. It feels like they're isolationists and very slow moving. Not a bad place overall and great if you want a low energy environment that's more fixated on community engagement than memes, but the engagement is days apart and and there's not a ton of active users. The site layout is almost exactly the same as old Reddit and it feels familiar in that respect, but it's not a good time waster if you check your phone a lot.