Zionist lynch mob throws fireworks into UCLA student encampment

Linkerbaan@lemmy.world to Crazy Fucking Videos@lemmy.world – 94 points –
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Cops stand by and watch of course.


"lynch mob"

Okay then...

Idk why you're being downvoted. Here's the definition of lynch:

(of a mob) kill (someone), especially by hanging, for an alleged offense with or without a legal trial.

Lemmings gonna Lemmy I guess. They downvoted my explanation a little further down too, which included the definition. Now they're probably going to downvote you too.

How do you describe this?

A riot, or a mob. A lynch mob is a specific thing. As you can guess by the name, it's a mob set on lynching (or just generally killing) someone, or several someones. It is not a term for any old agitated mob. The Jan 6th rioters would qualify as a lynch mob since they had a noose, gallows, and were chanting "hang Mike Pence".

The word "Zionist" has become such a dog whistle that I cringe when people use it

To accurately describe the Nazis supporting israel?

My brain can't even wrap around this comment... Nazi, Israel... What??

Nazis, the people doing ethnic cleansing to expand the Lebensraum for their Ubermensch

Israel, the people doing ethnic cleansing to expand the Lebensraum for their Ubermensch

I guess you can fit anyone into the Nazi mold if you twist shit around and try really hard

If everyone you know is a drop in replacement for the first word in that sentence I have bad news for you.

No, I don't buy that anymore. No matter how left your are, If you even so much as disagrees with one little thing, you get called a Trump supporter or a fascist, etc. Everyone's an extremist now and you can't have a dissenting opinion or wrong think or you get called a heathen essentially. The right has been behaving like this for decades, but seeing the left doing too now means we're fucked. Nobody is good enough, nobody is a "true Scotsman", so it's just a bunch of college age liberals in a circle calling each other Maga cause they can't agree

Lots of words just to say you're ok with genocide.

Imagine trying to no-true-scotsman a Genocide lmao.

Imagine your white ass lecturing a native person who your people raped and murdered, about genocide lol. Get the fuck out of my continent and then you can tell Israelis to "go back to Europe". You first colonizers.

A dogwhistle for what? Are you aware words have meanings, you can’t just repeat leftist talking points and pretend they support you lmao. That shit only works on fascists

You say words have meaning but you're throwing around words you're not using correctly.