My friend may not make it

Chris to – 71 points –

Will is one of two close friends that I have here in rural Maine...It's been difficult discovering friendships here and I don't know why.

Back to Will...he's one of the most generous persons that I've ever known...constantly giving himself to his wife, children, friends and community.

I just learned that he has been in a coma for the past six weeks. We don't know if he'll make it out alive.

The positivity and work that he's given, selflessly, to everyone around him will continue on.

I hope that he comes back to us.


What an awful situation. I can't imagine how you're feeling.

These situations are awful for everyone it touches. Please find comfort in those close to you.

That's terrible! I hope he pulls through! :(

That's awful. I'm sorry for your friend.

Sorry to hear about your friend. Lets hope he pulls through. I have lost a couple friends who went long before their time and it is a painful thing to go through.