Biden Just Effectively Killed a Report on Israeli Actions in Gaza to politics – -27 points –
Biden Just Effectively Killed a Report on Israeli Actions in Gaza

Why are they saying Biden killed the report?

In an email shared by three Senate aides and one House aide with Politico, the Biden administration notified Congress that the report would be “briefly delayed,” without any further clarification or issue of a new deadline.

But comments from the State Department itself weren’t so assuring.

“We are trying very hard to meet that deadline,” State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller told reporters Tuesday, who outright admitted that the report wasn’t finished. “It’s possible it slips just a little bit, but we are trying to get it done by tomorrow.”

Because Ozma has the hots for Biden and desperately wants to be noticed. Anytime there's news relating to Biden. Ozma searches feverishly for the most disingenuous to outright lying framing possible.

Read the article.

I've already read an article on it. It had a much less yellow journalism title. And a lot less ax grinding.

Crazy how when we want Biden to do something, all I hear is

Biden isn't a dictator! He can't just do stuff because his voters want him to!

Yet shit like this where his voters want him to at least step aside and let things happen, suddenly he's a man of action.

It's not that Biden can't give voters more of what they want and less that they don't, he just doesn't want what his voter base wants.

He'll do what he wants and if we don't like it we get trump.

This is not sustainable as a political system.

He absolutely has the final say in foreign aid. No one is claiming otherwise.

An absolute shit ton of liberals claim Biden is bound by treaties and agreements and is completely helpless while behind forced to comply by Congress.

Is the shit ton of liberals in the room with us now? Did Fox News tell you all about the scary liberals?

How binary to assume a critique of one automatically assumes support of the other.