Recompilation: An Incredible New Way to Keep N64 Games Alive to – 149 points –
Recompilation: An Incredible New Way to Keep N64 Games Alive

This is unreal. I'm looking forward to a new wave of modern ports for N64 games I missed.

I was able to get the Zelda one working via compiling the tool with the assets. With the new tooling, has anyone been able to get any other games working?

Having Goldeneye 007 on PC would be great.

I've played Golden Eye on PC through a hacked emulator that was updated for modern control schemes (and kb/m!) as well as running at 60 fps and higher resolutions. Idk about the rules for posting links, but it played like butter and i had so much fun playing the campaign.

It was similar experience to playing the Metroid Prime series through a hacked dolphin emulator. Insane what people are capable of doing.