the first rule i thought of to – 215 points –

No ill will or hate towards anyone, but my mind immediately went to this type of bear when I first heard the hypothetical.

Alt version:


Are we sure spinosaurus was featherless?

not entirely sure but no close relatives of spinosaurids had feathers so it's most probable they didnt. also im pretty sure the protofeathers it would have wouldnt even help it in a semi-aquactic environment


I’d rather be stuck with stegosaurus.

as any big herbivore, its probably very territorial and aggressive

you probably wont be able to be friends with it because its brain is very small

if you got stuck with it, you'd either be smashed by its feet (in case it couldnt get you with its tail) or be thagomized (in case it could get you with its tail)

i dont think youd rather be stuck with it

Οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ Πλάτωνος ἄνθρωπος

Who would you rather encounter in the woods, a bear or a twink?