post rule pics to – 159 points –

A screen capture of an an insanely horny redditor who posted a picture of Tomb Raider's feet with the caption "Anyone know what game this is from? I really need to know ASAP"


um actually she is tomb raider's monster, it's a common misconception

My mistake!

Edit: thanks for the gold!

you forgot to call me ’kind stranger’. you’ve just been demoted to silver

1 more...

The big toe is wrong on one of the feet, and the coloring seems weird :(

What‘s wrong with the coloring? My feet look like this xD

That's normal coloring if you walk around somewhere that hasn't seen a vacuum in a while

You mean outside?

Nah they'd be fucking gray in that case

I really mean specifically inside

Like in a place that's got plastic floors and hasn't seen a vacuum in, like, weeks

Lil bits of dust love to stick to your stompers in that

I'm not a feet expert, I'm obviously a balls expert, but I dabble

not to body shame or anything, but lara is a super active gymnast/explorer. her feet would be like a ballerina's, i.e., busted.