Samsung develops industry's first GDDR7 DRAM with 1.5 TBps bandwidth to – 227 points –
Samsung develops industry's first GDDR7 DRAM with 1.5 TBps bandwidth

Oh my god.

I could have so many tabs.

Browser and website developers see it other way: we can care about optimizations even less now.

Maybe one day people will learn that tabs were never designed to perpetually stay open, 50 at a time, and be used as some makeshift bookmarks system.

Oh yes. There was a proposed patch for Google Chrome a while ago that attempted to block some kind of hypothetical memory scanning attack with the only downside that it increased memory usage by 25% by padding out the process with a massive amount of fake instructions. I still get mad thinking about it. The memory scanning is entirely hypothetical, but the memory usage is very real.

well hope this makes gddr (and thus gpus) more affordable so i can run ai tools locally