47 Post – 112 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Uncovering these rings, publicizing them, and shutting them down needs to be a top priority. I think a lot, if not most, of the bad decisions made by voters stem from these kind of bad actors. We've let it go on for long enough.

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Upvoted for the cat

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Listen, for the last 2-3 months, I've only visited Reddit to participate in /r/RedditAlternatives. I've moved everything here. I want to make that happen for others too. I'm happy here.

I don't even subscribe to this subreddit or any of the ones about other social media sites. I tend to downvote anything I do see about Reddit or Twitter, because I just don't need to hear about them any more.

I'm driving very little traffic Reddit's way, and the only time I do so is to hasten it's demise. The most people that we ever had on the chat planning this banner was around 10 that I saw.

This is getting tons of press. I'm quite certain we drove more people here than we drove traffic there. It's worth it IMO.

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As a former reddit mod who's made some communities here, so far they are 0% of the work of the reddit ones (not that I was working hard on the reddit communities, I set up automod and let it run). But so far I haven't had to do any mod work here because there's basically no spam and no bots. I'm sure that will change, but I can also just recruit more mods as the communities grow.

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Yeah but then I'd have to stop throwing stones, and that's one of my favorite pastimes.

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Stay the fuck in Russia Tucker.

That's because the USA subsidizes bigger trucks as "work vehicles". This practice needs to stop and they need to be taxed more than smaller vehicles.

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That's when they send the mind control sound. If you don't destroy all the speakers by then, you will be under their control.

16 year reddit veteran here. I'm gonna stay here, create communities, and submit content in the hopes that others do the same. Honestly, we don't need even .1% of the users to make a great community, we just need the users we have to be active.

Have you never met one of these self proclaimed "empaths" who are so busy telling you how you feel that they forget to actually listen to you telling them how you feel? I sure have met a few in my day.

Until governments get serious about trust busting, it will keep happening. Companies that don't have to compete enshittify.

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Instructions seem quite clear- pierce your speaker with a toothpick.

This post won the quote usage world championship of 2024 in Liberia.

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Yes RSS came back strong in my life after Reddit and Twitter shit the bed.

I think there is a script out there that replaces all your comments with random gibberish sentences. Just cron it to run every week until all the rollbacks are gone.

It won't make sense in the first purchase. It will start to make sense when you want to upgrade and don't have to throw the whole thing out or when something breaks and you can easily and cheaply fix it.

Isn't that basically what the platform is for now?

123000 now.

But according to the joke it still does represent two types: Binary and nonbinary. Which itself is a binary set of choices, albeit a different one.

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This would really be the ultimate fuck you to everyone if they did this. I sort of wish they would so we'd all stop giving them all our personal data.

Until his profile gets high enough that they find some permit he doesn't have and he gets shut down.

That toaster gives me the vibes of my '80s Apple //c

Yes, however recruiters see someone like this and see a great opportunity to fill their quota, so it all balances out.

It does tend to sort by recent, but to me that's its strength. It makes no effort to curate the feed, it gives me all the articles from the sources I choose in order and that's it. So while I still use Lemmy for the "popular", RSS tends to deliver me deep niche content that may not be popular but is very interesting to me.

And also so much content is overlooked by sites like Reddit and Lemmy, that often it is stuff that's popular if I post it, but no one's gotten to it yet. It tends to be more up to date because you don't have to wait for things to get voted to the front page

Don't worry, Israel will never let them back on their land anyway.

I'm really curious how you see this as transphobic.

No, it's a euphemism for "screw the people who are left, we need a quick reduction in our cost structure so that we can take bigger bonuses"

Install this. You will thank me later.

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Já jsem cizinec.

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It will be really interesting to see how long it actually takes before this can be done accurately enough to execute a directors vision and high quality enough to actually make a film from. It could be anything from a few months to decades, it's so hard to know how much we are actually able to control these models to get them to do what we really want accurately enough.

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16 year user of reddit here, just create the communities you miss. With the massive influx of users, they will fill up quickly. It only took 1 day after I created for people to start posting content there. It feels to me like it will only take a few weeks before we can have some semblance of parity to reddit content. And it feels much more like pre-digg migration reddit to me, which is very much a good thing. I think the golden years for lemmy will be coming quite soon.

Mildly hilarious more than mildly infuriating.

Probably you are right, but so far no one has demonstrated any LLM that can be controlled within these tight types of adjustments and it feels like it might be something that the technology just never is able to do. We might have to wait for a whole new generation of technology for this.

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Only way I've found is to go into settings and turn off "show read posts".

The choice between a traditional up-down vote and a new non-up-down vote must have been a tough one.

Make your own. Only takes a minute and once you find the right formula, will taste much better than this garbage.

I'm okay with it.

Make sure and get the always nitter plugin so you never have to see elon's abomination again.

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Now that's the idea we could have rolled with from the get-go.