Right-wing influencers pledge to bail out Elon Musk after Apple, Disney, others suspend advertising on X

realitista@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 486 points –
Right-wing influencers pledge to bail out Elon Musk after Apple, Disney, others suspend advertising on X

This is the most simp-y shit I’ve ever heard of. You don’t bail out a billionaire.

I really hate the term "simp" but it really fits here. Having legions of people pledging scraps of cash to literally the wealthiest personon Earth is just so... pathetic.

It’s conservatroids trying to show that they have economic power too. They have big spending companies too! Like Babylon Bee! Yeah! Take that, libs!

Lol. Also, I’ve run ads on Twitter and it was a waste of money. Facebook ads work 100x better. Reddit was awful too. So these dicks are just pissing money away. After all - there’s a reason they weren’t already big spending advertisers on Twitter: because it sucks.

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Apple spent ~100 M per year on adds on twitter prior to the EM buyout.

There is no way in hell these grifters will do anything but talk big. The money will never come.

I'll take "Things That Aren't Financially Possible", for $400, Alex.

This reminds me of those statistics that show the how the richest 10% have as much wealth as the other 90% (or whatever the exact numbers were).

And also those statistics that show how Apple is bigger than the entire economies of many countries.

Oh wow Andrew Tate is one of them.

Gee, when you look at all these manbaby assholes who cry about being canceled, one thing starts to stand out. They’re all manbaby assholes. Maybe if every canceled person is a manbaby asshole, then getting cancelled is actually about not liking manbaby assholes? And not about killing freedom of speech? It’s just… the pattern is undeniable.

This is actually a good thing! Let them all bundle up together and maybe they can fund and start his little society on mars and he can take all the right wing cunts with him. Then they can go cry about women and minorities together without bothering the rest of us.

But who are they going to bully, if they're just among themselves?

Oh you must be new. There's always an "in group" and an "out group". If somehow everyone is in the "in group" the rules change to create a new "out group".

I would love to see them infighting to determine who is going to be the next out group.

Happens all the time. Recently Republicans were calling the speaker of the house "secretly a democrat" because he acknowledged that his adopted black son has difficulties his white sons won't have to deal with.

They can start their own handmaid's tale on Mars. Let's see how many women they can get to join these super manly men.

start his little society on mars

"The system destroying the Earth will actually do the opposite on Mars!"

Yup, and then the Earth can start to heal.

Let those fuckers live in their delusions about rebuilding human civilization without check notes everyone is literally help run society such as trades people, medical professionals, agriculture workers, social workers, etc.

Capitalism always needs the frontier or at least the mythology of it, Mars is kind of that right now.

They'll probably do the indentured servant thing like, "now that you're here, we just need a couple things done before you can get that free real estate."

Got it. Tim Pool, Andrew Tate and the CEO of Babylon Bee are all antisemites who believe Jews are going to wipe them out.

Not that I'm surprised, I'm just glad we have it on record.

As much as I would LOVE to see them waste their money on this, we know they are all talk and no action and won't actually contribute anything.

That's the best part, they're all grifters trying to get attention, they won't pay a fucking cent.

This is insane. Why would anyone want to bail out the world's richest man?

People donate to supposed billionaire Donald Trump too.

I genuinely don't understand the thinking. What else do they do? Should I be worried that they walk among us?

To own the libs?

C'mon man, get with the times!

*Libs = anyone not a mazi

Do you remember when people were donating money to one of the younger Kardashians, so she could become the youngest "self-made" billionaire? People are dumb.

Imagine pledging to get enough money to bail out someone who can literally masturbate and squirt $44B on a whim.

Bootlickers, he doesn't need you. Really.

Well good. Clowns should congregate in a circus, it keeps them off the streets and out of our hedges and sewers.

It's funny cause they need the audience to "trigger" that Twitter/X has, just going on Truth Social or a bespoke political site doesn't provide that. If X had no libs they wouldn't wanna be on it cause it would be boring.

Ahhh yes, bailing out the richest man on Earth for doing dumb ass shit that a 9 year old would pull. So good at business.

Hey! My nine year old would never say anything bigoted on purpose.

Eh, but you can pay most 9 year olds to say anything, even dumb stuff, just like the elongated muskrat. You just have to give them cash.

My only question is do we pronounce the "x" in xitter like "x" would be pronounced in a Chinese word? "Sh-itter"?

Yes, it is pronounced Shitter, and Tweets are now Toots.

Do NOT associate Mastodon stuff with that shit

What term constituted “mastodon stuff” to prompt your comment? Haven’t yet tried mastodon so just curious.

A guy pledged a bunch of money to the creator of Mastodon if he named the posts “toots”. So the name stuck and Mastodon got a bunch of server and development funds.

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Let the scam artist part them from their money if they're dumb enough to defend him and fund him.

Could be worse. They could be putting that money towards their own fediverse.

Right wing stooges are too dumb to contribute to open source projects. They steal the code and then let it languish.

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Oh good, then twatter can now become as successful as Truth social...

I love it when conservatives out their racism without knowing it.

So, as "if" is out of the question, "when" and "how" are becoming more interesting.

How will twitter end? Will he sell it to someone else? or just fire everyone and close the doors?

I love how some of the replies are about how “companies just want to control me”… Do you know what advertising is? What an empty complaint.

Please GOP, don't be stingy. Donate all of it to the platform formerly known at Twitter. Great business investment!

Well, if the right-wing influencers like him so much, why don't they pay for keeping Xitter alive?

Most of them can't spare the money due to paying for lawyers.

I think it does make sense for right wing things to advertise there because it's cheap and they're already not worried about appearing near Nazi sentiment.

But all the right wing influencers in the country won't replace Disney in ad spend.

The wealthiest companies in the world have decided not to give Twitter any more money, but sure, @HandsomeBirchSocietyMan, no doubt your bank account can make up the difference.

I downvote every mention of Musk. Thought I would comment on this one to let everyone know.

The "I'm sick of Elon posts" comments are more annoying than all the Elon posts.

Glad I could give you a reason to comment too.

Which drives engagement with a Musk post higher...

I really wish people would stop whining in the comment sections every time they see an article about Elon Musk and take some initiative to solve their own problems. Open uBlock Origin and add a damn filter. Adjust to your home instance:

 lemmy.world##div.post-listing:has(span:has-text("/elon musk/i"))

div.post-listing is the element to block
:has(args) returns elements where args evaluate to true
span is the element with the title text
:has-text(needle) returns the element if it has the next needle, supports regex with \needle\ and remove case sensitivity with i

Source via lemmy.world

Edit: lol of course this was instantly downvoted. Because these kinds of people don't actually want Elon Musk out of their feeds, they just want to complain.

Personally, I want Musk to fade out of my feeds because he has become irrelevant, not because I hid mentions of him...

As much as we all hate hearing about Musk, he's a very influential person. The decisions he makes and what happens on Xitter can steer the direction of humanity, for better or worse.

Though let's be honest, this is not one of the influential/important things regarding Musk that should be reported on. It's just some idiots online claiming they'd do something they can't do, in order to make Musk-senpai notice them; it's not even about Musk per se.

This is good practice for you to just ignore the things you don't like. There is no such thing as safe spaces and you kids need to grow a thicker skin to survive.