Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. to – 1408 points –

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Install this. You will thank me later.

Purchase licence key

No, thanks.

... Coffee costs more than this license.

There are free OS alternatives out there (which I suspect you already use but just want to poop on other's parade).

I assume that if someone's already using Windows, a paid OS, they are willing to pay $2 to make it usable.

I prefer if persistent, high-permission code running on my machine is FOSS, and support the devs if I see it's useful

I prefer it too, but if something works well and saves me time and effort for $2, I don't make a big deal out of it. I also need to accomplish things other than monkeying around with my computer.

idk who pays for windows these days but go you

Almost everyone pays for Windows. Notice how computers that let you not include it in the order get cheaper.

not everyone buys prebuilts but I haven't had any actual windows license since like windows 7 I just use a random key off a PC work is throwing out oh just don't register the shit

Not open source. Use:

  • Open Shell
    • brings a normal Start Menu back as well as an optional taskbar in Explorer
  • Explorer Patcher
    • revives Explorer's "commented-out code", bringing back functionality from previous Windows versions: optionally translucent taskbar without blur, seconds display in calendar popup, optionally the weather widget and many many more
  • CTT winutil
    • installs/updates various free programs for you with one click, one-stop-shop for all kinds of recommended debloat/freedom settings
  • MSEdge Redirect
    • self-explanatory: all Bing queries from within the OS apps go to your preferred search engine & default browser instead

If it's not a link to an Ubuntu LiveCD, I'm leaving Lemmy

Come on people I'm joking. You can unclench your butthills

Ditch Ubuntu too. Mint or OpenSuse are very good alternatives.

Ubuntu server is fine relax

With how they keep shoving snaps at everyone? At my work a migration to Debian is starting to be openly pondered.

gnome is pushing flatpacks. the official gnome distro is immutable.

i like debian. i like gnome. i don't like this trend.

We do not talk about ubuntu here

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