SanDisk's Name is Now Mud to – 479 points –
SanDisk's Name is Now Mud

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Curse English idioms, I literally thought they were rebranding to Mud.

It's because of the capitalization. If the title was "SanDisk's name is now mud" this wouldn't happen.

I mean I get what you're saying, but a title is always capitalized, no?

I thought so too. I always capitalized my post titles on the old site until someone said I’m a dumbass for doing that and that it’s annoying. 🤷‍♂️

It wasn't always like that. A shift happened on the internet like 10 years ago I believe.

I was also very, very confused at first.

I guess I was thinking that if Gwyneth Paltrow could found a company called Goop that anything goes these days.

I'm pretty sure that was the author's intention.

Probably very deliberate, in the wake of Twitter's disastrous rebranding.

find fringe idiom

capitalise all words

and… send

There. Easy clickbait.

I think you're giving them way too much credit lol

Good thing it explains it in the second line of the article.

I thought they were pulling a Facebook and rebranded themselves to avoid the bad press.